Spring has officially sprung! I love this time of year because I get to spend time cultivating my blossoming herb garden and take in the beautiful and breath-taking displays of new blooms and flowers.
For many, this season also brings about the great annual spring cleaning. You may find yourself sorting through an accumulation of old stuff in your closets and garage, all while giving your house an overall scrub-down until it shines. Deep cleaning is certainly cathartic leaving you with an organized and spotless house, and a feeling of accomplishment. But there is darker, lesser-known side to cleaning that includes a toxic world of chemicals and poisons that may live right under your kitchen sink!
Many of today’s traditional cleaning supplies contain chemicals that are quite toxic and simply not safe for use around humans. These substances may put you at risk for unknowingly increasing your toxic burden. Fortunately you have options! Start by looking for all-natural cleaning supplies. This doesn’t necessarily mean spending more money on organic items. Everyday products like hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and vinegar are safe and affordable alternatives and work just as well on cleaning your home.
You should also think about giving your body its own spring cleaning. Over the winter months your body has accumulated its own version of "older stuff" in the form of various toxins and free radicals. Use the Y-Age System of Glutathione, Carnosine and Aeon to detoxify your body, ridding yourself of harmful toxins and chemicals that have been building up on the inside. When you detoxify your body and your home you’ll be able to better enjoy this happy spring season!

Suzanne Somers
LifeWave Ambassador