mercredi 8 février 2012

Infrared Thermal Imaging Quantifies the Efficacy of IceWave® Patches in Musculoskeletal Pain Relief in Horses

Infrared Thermal Imaging Quantifies the Efficacy of
IceWave® Patches in Musculoskeletal Pain Relief in Horses
Lauren DeRock DVM ,  Dean  Clark DC ,  Homer Nazeran  PhD,   CP Eng  (Biomed. )

Abst ract
Veterinarians  working  with performance and pet horses on a daily basis have tremendous  interest in
drug- free pain  relief   and management  of   the  very common  musculoskeletal problems that these horses may experience.  In an initial  study carried out on 142 horses  in 2005,  it was demonstrated that horses responded dramatically to  LifeWave®  Energy  Patches.
In  this  study,  137  out of  138 hor ses with mild  to  sever eback pain,  responded favorably and showed consistent pain relief  manifesting  more  ob served energy and power.  Other published double-blind placebo-controlled studies  in humans have demonstrated a  skin cooling effect or  an autonomic nervous  system  response elicited by these patches.  Th e main objective of the present study was to follow up on the initial study in horses and use  infrared thermal  imaging to quantify the  efficacy of IceWave® patches in pain relief  and management. Termal  measurements  and imaging  were complemented with acupuncture palpation evaluations performed by the veterinarian.  It was  also of  interest to explore the  effects of these patches on painful  and inflamed areas  in horses and demonstrate their physiological  cooling impact and further  cross-validate with the veterinarian’s  expert  physical assessments. The hypothesis to  be tested was that:  IceWave®  Patches produce  a highly significant cooling effect (pain reduction)  in  the  areas   affected  by  pain  in  horses .
T hirty eight horses:  1  stallion, 25 geldings  and 12 mares of varying ages …

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