jeudi 1 mars 2012

LifeWave Opens Mexico!

On Saturday, February 18, 2012 LifeWave proudly opened Mexico as a brand-new market for our members.

To usher in this opening, the LifeWave held an opportunity meeting in Mexico City featuring CEO David Schmidt and LifeWave Leaders Dr. Joan Norton, Dr. Nicholas Tivoli and Mr. Jimmy Wan. Mexico is considered to be one of the top five countries in the world for network marketing, so the opening of this new market will undoubtedly lead to positive growth and expansion for those who take advantage of this opportunity.

Also on February 18 was the 3rd Mexico City Congress in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. This conference featured speakers from across the world sharing the latest in biomedical technologies and protocols in anti-aging and regenerative medicine. LifeWave Founder and CEO David Schmidt was invited to speak at this event and addressed a large crowd of doctors, scientists and researchers about LifeWave’s Y-Age Aeon and its ability to reduce the inflammatory cytokines responsible for unwanted stress in the body, helping to combat the overall effects of aging.

In addition to David’s speaking spot, LifeWave also sponsored a booth at the event which attracted large numbers of people interested in our products and the LifeWave opportunity. On hand at the booth were several of LifeWave’s leaders, in addition to doctors who conducted on-site IceWave patch demonstrations.

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